
Why Winter Is The Season For Last Hair Removal

There’s no better season for laser hair removal than winter. That’s a surprising fact to most – after all, we bundle up in the winter, so if you’re looking to get hair removed for aesthetic reasons, why do it when you don’t have any skin exposed? ​


Less Sun Is Better

Laser hair removal and suntans, sadly, do not mix. We cannot perform laser hair removal on freshly-tanned, sunburnt, or even sun-kissed skin because of melanin, which increases in the skin with sun exposure. Laser devices are attracted to melanin, making it difficult for the laser to distinguish hair from the skin. In the winter, you’re far less likely to end up with an unintentional tan, so it makes it a much more suitable season in which to have the treatment done.

What’s more, your skin is more susceptible to UV rays after laser hair removal, and that makes sunburn more likely. Get laser hair removal in the summer, and you’ll have to resist the temptation to go sunbathing at Grand Beach when it’s 30 degrees celsius out – in the winter, that problem is pretty much non-existent.


No more Waxing

Say goodbye to waxing, plucking or depilatory creams if you want the best results from laser hair removal. You can, however, shave as often as you like, and we ask that you come cleanly shaven the day of your appointment.


Time Is On Your Side

Laser hair removal is not a one-and-done practice. You are going to need between six and twelve appointments, depending on the person. We space the treatments four to six weeks apart to achieve optimal results. By starting the process in the wintertime, hopefully, your hair removal will be done by the time the next summer comes around again.

With this knowledge in hand, it’s clear why winter is the best season for laser hair removal. We offer laser hair removal services at our Winnipeg clinic, and the time to book is now, with winter right around the corner! Contact Us to learn more or Book A Free Consultation to start your laser hair removal journey today!